Join a team

Get Involved - Join a Team

At St Dionis, we believe that every member of our community has unique gifts and talents to share.

By signing up to volunteer, you are helping to foster a loving, supportive, and vibrant community. Your involvement helps extend our reach and impact, and grow mission-minded disciples who live for Jesus wherever they are.

Joining a team not only allows you to make a meaningful difference but can also enrich your personal growth and faith journey as well as the potential to kindle new friendships. 

Something for everyone

We invite you to explore the various opportunities available and find a team that resonates with your passions and skills.

Get Out There 

There are lots of opportunities to 'Get Involved' within the context of the church, but also to 'Get Out There' with our linked social transformation charities and projects, some of which are listed below. Sign up to join a team above and read on for more information on the charities we're involved with. 

For more information on the charities we work with and support: