What is Alpha?
Alpha is a series that explores the big questions of life and faith, and gives you space to share your thoughts and opinions with others. Alpha is relaxed and low-pressured, so no question is off the table and everyone is welcome: no matter your background or beliefs.
How does it work?
The Alpha series runs for ten Wednesday evenings. We start the evening by catching up and eating dinner together (it’s free!) and then we listen to a short film. Each talk looks at a different topic around faith and after the talk there is the chance to share your thoughts and questions and discuss in a small group. You can say anything or just listen if you’d prefer.
Try Alpha
We will look to run another Alpha course this year in the summer term.
If you'd like to know more about Alpha, or talk about any aspects of faith with us, please send us an email to alpha@stdionis.org.uk. We'd love to get to know you.